Manuscript Was Discovered
You never know what will happen in life. We met by chance and I had no idea she would be an angel sent to make my dream come true. She asked a question that changed everything. It was, “Everybody has a book inside of them. What is yours?”
I told her about Serpent Boy, a manuscript collecting dust on my computer. She listened, and her response lit up my world: when she said, “This story needs to be shared. Send me the manuscript.”
That night, I hesitated. Could this really be happening? I waited a few days, but her words stayed with me. I finally sent it, and from then on, she was my guide—my “book mother,” as she called herself. Little did I know she was the founder of Soncata Press, a New York boutique publishing firm.
Thank you, Book Mom. Without you, Serpent Boy would still be just a dream.
Why did I write serpent boy?